Welcome to the alpha please newsletter. I curate five alpha tweets every Friday; that’s it, that’s the newsletter.
1. Dealing with the emotion of strong bear market rallies
Bear market rallies can be explosive and often catch newbies off guard. If you are someone who is unsure of what to make of these upward moves, then @ColdBloodShill’s thread is for you, offering insights and food for thought.

2. 32 ETH. Why?
We know 32 is the magic number when it comes to ETH staking. But have you ever wondered why? @toghrulmaharram expands on why this stake size is chosen in a somewhat technical, yet enlightening thread. Reading around the terms you may not know is +EV, allowing you to better understand Ethereum and we recommend you taking your time on this one.

3. Buildoors keep building, teams keep grinding
@rektdiomedes has been busy curating a list of 10 teams and builders he is bullish on in these market conditions. Whilst the list is not exhaustive, the choices are solid and should prompt you to DYOR on potential winners.

4. Play-to-Earn economy musings
The P2E blockchain narrative was strong during the bull market, exciting media outlets and crypto enthusiasts alike. As the dust settles, it is important to consider the sustainability of P2E projects as @0xRohith describes.

5. Fed this, Fed that.
The Fed’s actions or, lack thereof, have been discussed to death over the last year. But do we actually know what these actions mean? Economiser’s thread sparked debate amongst the alpha please community and led us to reflect on how the macro could affect our magic internet coins. A great thread for those who want to understand or revisit important economic concepts.

@alpha_pls tweet of the week
A deep dive into @LensProtocol.

And that’s your alpha.
If you are looking to trade on-chain, we’re big fans of GMX.
Use our referral link to get a 10% rebate on fees: gmx.io/?ref=alphaplease
Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Do your own research.