Welcome to the Alpha Please newsletter. I curate five alpha tweets every Friday; that’s it, that’s the newsletter.
1. A framework for sizing your investments.
2. Avalanche subnets explained by the COO and Chief Protocol architect of Ava Labs.
3. The founders of Solana, Avalanche and Near battle it out.

Intern notes from “The L1 Wars: $SOL, $AVAX, $NEAR ” on:
- Scaling solution 🧬
- EVM compatibility 🤝
- Decentralization 🌐
And much more!
@naval <> @hosseeb <> @aeyakovenko <> @el33th4xor <> @ilblackdragon

4. Become a Dune whizz in 2022.

Want to become a crypto data analyst?
Querying blockchain data, analyzing it, and visualizing it in Dune dashboards is a Web3 superpower 🧙♂️
Even if you've never written a line of SQL before - you can learn in 2022!
Here are a few resources to get started🧵
5. Treasure release their Bridgeworld white paper… Do yourself a favour and read it.
And that’s your alpha.
Not financial or tax advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Do your own research.